
Farm to Fridge

We wanted people to think differently about milk as we know that consumers have preconceived ideas about milk. We created intrigue by positioning milk as a new, mysterious beverage, to get people to think about the health benefits of milk first before realizing what product was being sold to them.

Digital Retail

Milk VSBLTY Cooler


We know consumers have preconceived ideas about milk, so we wanted to change the narrative. By creating intrigue around the product and positioning it as a new, mysterious beverage, we got consumers to think about the health benefits of milk before realizing what product was being sold to them.

Retail Impressions


Shopper Engagement

Average 30+ seconds

Cooler Engagement



DATE 2016

AGENCY FCB Global Chicago

Client Milk Life




Creative Director
Ciara Panacchina

Account Supervisor
Katie Walsh

Senior Art Director
Peter De Guzman


Art Director
Leslie Hung

Art Director
Justin Edward

Meg Indurti